
The OBEA Contest TIMELINE CHART 2024-2025 contains key dates.

2024-2025 OBEA Contests

Contest Breakdowns

A teacher at your school must be a current OBEA member for students to participate.

Download and complete an OBEA Student Identification Form 2024-2025 for each entry.

* * A completed identification form must be submitted with each entry for each student * *

If you have any questions about any of the contests contact OBEA Contest Coordinator,, or the corresponding Contest Chair.

OBEA Logos for use with the Poster Contest

An email will be sent to OBEA members when registration for the Accounting Contests is available. An OBEA member login is required for teachers to Register students.

The 2025 Accounting contest is not yet open for registration.

The OBEA attempts to update the contest information annually prior to Culminating time during Semester 1.