Teacher Awards

Application/Nomination Forms are due by April 4th, 2025.

Robert Hillmer Award
For career long outstanding and dedicated service to Business Studies.

Award of Merit
For promotion of and increasing awareness of Business Studies.

CPA Ontario Teacher of the Year Award – Selected by CPA
The CPA Ontario Accounting Teacher of the Year Award honours a teacher who has achieved provincial recognition for exceptional teaching. With this award, Chartered Professional Accountants Ontario recognizes an individual whose efforts reflect a commitment above and beyond regular teaching considerations. Recipients are a valuable asset to the teaching profession and will be role models for other teachers.

Innovative Business Education Teacher
The Innovative Business Education Teacher Award is presented annually to an outstanding Business educator who is an effective classroom teacher and is dedicated to teaching and students.

Honourary Life Membership
For outstanding and dedicated service to Business Studies in Ontario, Honorary Life Membership shall be awarded to a retired member of the Organization who is deemed by the Nominating Committee to have made a substantial contribution to the organization and to Business Education in the province.

Nomination Forms