Sponsored by: The Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA)

PRE-REGISTRATION: until May 3, 2024
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (Duration: 60 minutes)
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Practice Contest (Duration: 20 minutes)
These dates are tentative. Please check the OBEA Website ( for updates!
***A limit of 5 students per section per level of Accounting course in the school, to a maximum of 30
students per school per level will be in place.
As this Contest is in an online format, please note that teachers will need to make computer lab reservations for the date and time indicated to accommodate their students. Be sure to use the same
equipment for the Practice Contest as for the Contest, to ensure systems work as expected. The Contest
will only be made available for a set time period on the date and time indicated on the Website. Teachers
will pre-register student entries on the OBEA Website.
In the event of a lockdown, OBEA will communicate the necessary changes to their members via
the Website.

There are two levels offered: Grade 11 & Grade 12
Teachers are reminded that the Contests are intended to challenge your best students; they are not
meant as a class-wide activity.
TOPICS: See the Business Studies 2006 Curriculum Document. All overall and specific expectations
may be covered in the Contest.


Open to any student who is enrolled in or has completed their first course in Accounting. The student may not currently be taking nor have taken a second course in Accounting.

Open to any student who has completed or is currently enrolled in the Grade 12 Accounting course. The
student may not have previously competed in this category.

Each school may enter a total of up to FIVE (5) students per Accounting section per level, to a maximum
of 30 per school per level. The rationale is to enable all qualified and capable students to compete. Nonprogrammable calculators may be used.

  1. Both Contests will be one hour (60 minutes) in length.
  2. Both Contests will be composed of 60 multiple choice questions.
  3. A written tiebreaking question will be included as part of the one hour Contest. The written tie-breaking question will only be used to determine the top provincial rankings.
  4. All Contests will be graded out of 60, with one mark allotted for each correct answer.


Student Registration:
OBEA Members can register their school for the contest at:
Upon submitting the form, the system will automatically generate login tokens for each of the registrant “slots” that the teacher has reserved. This will be shown on screen as well as emailed to the teacher’s email address . Note: Please do not submit the Contest Student Identification Form for these registrants.

Contest Writing:

  1. Once the student logs into the system, the questions and answers will be displayed five per page.
  2. Once a screen of questions and answers has been submitted, a dynamic paging system will be displayed at the bottom allowing the student to return to previous pages to review their answers.
  3. Once the student has answered all the questions, they will be presented with a screen prompting them to log out. At this point, the Contest is complete.
  4. Contest entry forms are not required for the Accounting Contests unless specifically requested.
  5. Read through the regulations and suggestions with the contestants. This material will be available on
    our Website closer to the Contest date.

The Chartered Professional Accountants—Ontario is the sponsor of the Accounting Contests.
Please do not involve any other Accounting organizations in any Award Ceremonies.

Participation in the grade 11 or 12 Accounting Contest can be used as a Specialized Business
Certification in the completion of the SHSM program.